- Blogs - used by many nonprofits, advocacy groups, and businesses
- Social bookmarking sites like Delicious - a handy research and networking tool
- RSS Readers or Start Pages - to aggregate recent articles and blog entries in specified topics, very useful for keeping up-to-date with latest developments in your field
- Social media like Facebook and Twitter - for professional networking and the promotion of social causes
With so few job openings and so many candidates, students who can demonstrate some of the above skills provide added value to employers and are more likely to be successful in their job search.
The skills described above are also useful for active citizenship, whether students only desire to be well-informed voters or intend to be participants in advocacy groups, political parties or trade unions.
It is not only WS majors who would profit from acquiring these computer and web skills; they are equally relevant for gerontology students, aspiring social workers, sociology and other liberal arts majors. Perhaps social service programs and liberal arts departments should consider combining to offer a "Computer Skills for Aspiring Professionals" course to their students.
Resources and Examples:
- Delicious and Social Bookmarking - a Common Craft video
- About RSS Readers - a Common Craft video
- Start Pages - Go to www.protopage.com/wscomputers to see how one can access headlines from favorite blogs, bookmark useful web sites, display latest video on subject of interest, etc. Click on double down-arrow extreme right near top to view more pages – some directed to educators, some to non-profit organizations, some to Women’s Studies.
- Using Heading Styles to Organize Notes in Microsoft Word
- PowerPoint: "Draft Ada Lovelace Picture Book" - be sure to click to display Speaker Notes
- PowerPoint: Corvida Raven: Geek Girl Storybook - use of images, musical background, converted to video.
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